A flooded street with a truck
What we offer

Storm and Flood Damage Recovery Services

Korea experiences heavy rainfall, typhoons, and concentrated downpours every year, leading to recurring flood disasters. In recent years, certain areas have suffered significant damages due to short bursts of heavy rain. When typhoons pass through, they cause not only river overflow but also landslides, electrical leakage resulting in power outages, and water supply disruptions, causing both economic losses and loss of life.

Disaster preparedness is crucial for businesses as well. The losses incurred affect not only business operations but also human lives and safety. Therefore, proactive disaster prevention and measures are urgently needed. So, what should businesses prioritize for disaster preparedness?

A river in fromt of skyscrapers

Q. What is the first thing businesses should do to prepare for disasters such as typhoons?

  1. Close all windows and doors.
  2. Move equipment and machinery to higher ground.
  3. Check the disaster preparedness checklist.
  4. Installing flood prevention structures and equipment.
  5. Empty all gutters and drains.

A. The answer is ③ Check the disaster preparedness checklist.

If you have completed the checklist, you should then verify the scope of insurance coverage.

If you haven’t enrolled in wind and water disaster insurance, compare insurance products, and if you’re already enrolled, confirm the coverage and compensation.

Pay particular attention to whether your company has business interruption insurance.

This insurance compensates for the loss of business profits due to temporary suspension of operations caused by disasters.

It allows you to receive compensation for minimal costs and maintain business operations.

Water Disaster Preparedness Checklist

The water disaster preparedness checklist helps companies inspect and manage their facilities and systems to minimize losses and reduce the severity of accidents in the event of a disaster. It is an essential step in disaster preparedness.

If a flooding accident occurs, ensure safety to prevent casualties and immediately stop work. The most important task is to secure safety. Remember these three things:

  1. Evacuate to a safe area: Safety of individuals is paramount. Evacuate to a safe area as soon as you become aware of the flood. When evacuating, avoid areas of danger such as underground spaces. If the facility is located in a low-lying area, evacuate to higher ground.
  2. Cut off electricity and gas: Floods can cause electric shock accidents and electrical hazards. Turn off the circuit breaker and close the gas valve. Do not use matches or lighters as gas may be leaking. Contact the gas company’s emergency phone number.
  3. Inspection and investigation: Before entering areas affected by floods, always check for potential collapses. Contact the local government office if there are damaged water supply and drainage facilities, bridges, or roads. If a building is flooded, ventilate it and wait for a technician to conduct a safety inspection before use. Always check for contamination of tap water or stored water.

If you feel overwhelmed and frustrated due to a sudden accident, rely on BELFOR Korea. We will restore your equipment and machinery to its pre-loss condition. BELFOR Korea, a disaster recovery specialist, exists to bring you back to business.

Q. What can BELFOR Korea restore in the event of a natural disaster?

  • Equipment/Machinery
  • Electrical Panels
  • AV Equipment
  • Buildings
  • Factories/Warehouses

A. The answer is “All.” BELFOR Korea can restore everything.

Generally, buildings affected by water damage are at high risk of collapse, and furniture, appliances, and other items submerged in water are often contaminated and deemed irrecoverable. Especially equipment and facilities powered by electricity are typically discarded at the slightest trace of water damage.

However, if you engage with BELFOR Korea, solutions for water damage sites are evident.

Download Water Disaster Preparedness Checklist

Flood Damage Restoration Projects

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Flood Damage Restoration Projects


How BELFOR Finds Solutions to Flood Damage

Active Communication

BELFOR understands the aftermath of water damage incidents. Areas affected by typhoons or heavy rainfall resemble battlefields. To swiftly end this chaos and restore normalcy, BELFOR experts actively engage in communication with insurance companies, loss adjusters, and affected parties. We know from extensive experience that close collaboration is essential to find the most rational solutions.

Immediate Deployment of Restoration Experts

Emergency Measures: Restoration experts from various fields such as electrical, mechanical, and construction are on standby 24/7 to respond to emergencies. Prompt and efficient responses are crucial in water damage situations. BELFOR immediately dispatches teams to the site upon notification to assess the damage and initiate restoration efforts.

Immediate Investigation and Damage Mitigation

If your assets have suffered flood damage, the likelihood of recovery decreases over time. BELFOR technicians respond immediately upon receiving the call, inspecting the site firsthand and assessing the damage. If necessary, they employ large-scale dehumidifiers and drying techniques to eliminate residual moisture and implement measures to mitigate further damage, thus preventing the expansion of the affected area.

Want to learn more about BELFOR Korea?
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