Contents Restoration


Salvage Your Valuables with Our Contents Restoration Services

Recovering from a disaster isn’t just about fixing the building’s structure — it’s about restoring the essential items inside that are important for everyday life.

At BELFOR, our contents restoration teams recognize the significance of these items and have the expertise to restore them to their pre-disaster state.

BELFOR employees conducting contents restoration

About BELFOR’s Contents Restoration Services

Our services include:

  • Complete pack-out of contents
  • Barcode-enabled inventory services
  • Climate-controlled storage until facility is ready
  • Complete restoration of physical assets including hard-good and soft-good furnishings, electronics, machinery, vital records, inventories, raw materials, fine art restoration, and office equipment

Contents Restoration Services for Various Property Types

We have successfully recovered contents for different property types, including:

A BELFOR truck
Why Work With Us

Explore the Benefits of Our Contents Restoration Services

BELFOR’s contents restoration teams present you and your insurance representative with numerous cost-effective options.

  • We tailor our asset preservation and restoration services to meet your preferences when handling your prized possessions.
  • Our experienced content restoration specialists are equipped with the necessary training, from restoring water-damaged rugs and furniture to handling other types of restoration needs.

Interested in Our Contents Restoration Services?

If you’re experiencing the aftermath of a disaster and require professional services, BELFOR is here for you 24/7, every day of the year.

Our teams have extensive experience in disaster recovery and are dedicated to helping you during this challenging time.

Do you have any questions or need immediate assistance? We’re here and ready to help!

Here to Help When You Need it Most

Full Time Dedicated Professionals

We will stand by you to ensure a complete recovery.

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