Privacy Notice

Protection of your privacy is important to BELFOR USA Group Inc. (“BELFOR”). We know you are interested in how we collect, use, share and protect your information. We promise to treat your personal information responsibly. We want you to understand how we protect your privacy and when we collect and use your information. By visiting or using our website and mobile applications, you consent to BELFOR’s data collection and use practices described in this Privacy Policy.


Many of our online activities do not require visitors to our website to register for an account or give us any personal information. However, BELFOR and our business partners are still interested in who visits our site and how they use it.

When you visit our website or receive communications from us, we may use cookies (including pixel tags or web beacons) to enhance, personalize and improve the online experience, as well as to advertise our products and services. Cookies are small files recorded by your Internet browser that allow a website to store information on your computer or device to retrieve and reuse this information later.

We use cookies for a number of reasons, including:

  • Recognizing your browser or device
  • Remembering your website preferences and interests
  • Collecting information about website usage and email response
  • Logging activity on the website
  • Marketing products or services to you

We do not contain or capture personal information about you in the cookies we use.

All major internet browsers allow you to block or delete cookies through the privacy features in your browser. Please note that if you block cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, then you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

Marketing cookies allow us to recognize your computer or device so we may display information about our products and services that may interest you on our website or as you visit other websites. Marketing cookies do not store your name, address, telephone number, email address or any sensitive personal information. We use this anonymous information to manage our online advertising and to measure the effectiveness of our ads placed on other websites. The companies that distribute our ads are prohibited from using or sharing this information other than for marketing our products and services.

Each of the websites we use for our online marketing efforts should post a privacy statement that fully describes the advertising and data collection activities on that website. However, we cannot guarantee that all of these websites disclose this information.

We sometimes supplement the information that we receive that has been outlined in this Privacy Policy with information from other sources and companies. Such outside information includes updated delivery and address information from carriers or third parties, which enables us to correct our records and deliver you pertinent information more easily; and, possibly, search results and links, including paid listings (such as Sponsored Links from Google).


If you gave us your email address, BELFOR may use it from time to time to notify you of such things as new services, special offers or to confirm transactions. If you do not wish to be contacted by email for non-policy related communications, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions at the bottom of any BELFOR e-mail you receive.

Your current location is only determined if you choose to use a function on our apps to determine your current location. If you allow your location to be obtained using a BELFOR app, then we will use this information to return your estimated location. We use this information solely to distinguish your current location and not to identify you. BELFOR does not automatically track your location when you use our apps.

If you are a resident of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, or Virginia, you have the right to access and correct the personal information that we have collected from or about you. To do so, simply contact BELFOR’s customer service department. If you’d like to correct information that you provided to us, our representative will make the appropriate adjustments to BELFOR’s records. If you wish to correct personal information provided to BELFOR by a third party (such as a credit rating agency), the representative will provide you with the applicable third party’s contact information. Upon the request of residents of other states, we will take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the personal information in our records.

The following are some examples of how we may disclose your information:

  • We must exchange information about you with our persons who are or will become involved in providing you with services that you may request.
  • When you are involved in a claim, policy information may be provided to adjusters and the businesses working on your case.
  • We may share information with persons or organizations that we have determined need the information to perform a business function for us. These include businesses that help us with administrative functions.
  • We may also share your information if ordered by a subpoena, search warrant or other court order, or if necessary to protect the health or welfare of others.

We restrict access to your information to employees who we have determined need it in order to provide products or services to you. We train our employees to safeguard customer information, and we require them to maintain the confidentiality of your information. We maintain strict physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized access by third parties.


At BELFOR, we use physical safeguards, procedural controls and data access controls to protect your data from unauthorized access. We continually monitor our systems to prevent unauthorized attempts at intrusion.

BELFOR uses strong, 128-bit encryption and SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol for transmitting private information via the Internet. SSL uses a private key to encrypt data that is transferred over the SSL connection. This protocol is a standard used by many websites when you submit confidential information, such as credit card numbers and other personal data. SSL creates a secure connection between your browser and our server. Addresses of web pages using an SSL connection start with https: instead of http: and most browsers also display an icon of a closed padlock. BELFOR applications and our site are when you visit a page using SSL.

Note: Our web pages are designed for, and verified with, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7+, Google Chrome 28+, Safari 5+ and Firefox 23+. Presentation and layout of our pages is best appreciated using these browsers. Many other browsers will also work with our website.


If you are under age 18, you may use this website only through your parent or guardian and you are unable to purchase products or services from this website, unless such purchase is made through an adult.

BELFOR Europe GmbH

Information About The Collection of Personal Data

The type of personal information we collect depends on how you interact with us and which services you are receiving from us. We collect several types of personal information from and about users of our Website, including:

  1. The following information concerns the collection of personal data while using this website. Personal data are all data that can be personally related to you, e.g. name, address, email addresses, user behaviour.
  2. The controller pursuant to Article 4 (7) EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is BELFOR Europe GmbH, Keniastr.24, 47269 Duisburg, Germany, [email protected] (see our legal notice). You can contact our data protection officer at [email protected] or at our postal address with the addition “Data protection officer”.
  3. When you contact us by email or using a contact form, the data you give us (your email address, your name and phone number if applicable) is stored by us in order to answer your question. When storage is no longer necessary, we will delete the applicable data or restrict the processing of it if legal retention requirements apply.
  4. If we use contracted service providers for individual functions of our web-based services, or if we wish to use your data for advertising purposes, we will inform you below in detail about the respective processes, naming the defined criteria for storage duration.

Your Rights

  1. You have the following rights towards us with regard to your personal data:
    • a. Right to information,
    • b. Right to correction or deletion,
    • c. Right to restriction of processing,
    • d. Right to refusal of processing,
    • e. Right to data portability.
  2. You also have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data with a data protection authority.

Web Analytics

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and which enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information about your use of this website generated by the cookie is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, if IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will first be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or other contracting member states of the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the complete IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information in order to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities and to provide further services connected with website use and internet use for the website operator. 

The IP address transmitted from your browser within Google Analytics is not connected with other data from Google.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by configuring your browser software accordingly; please note, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent. In addition, you can prevent the capture of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) for Google and the processing of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

California Consumer Privacy Act