What You Need To Do

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with your insurance documentation (i.e. policy cover), so you are clear on what you are covered for and to what extent. It may also be advisable for you take the time to document the damage (e.g. inventories, photos & video) for your own records and to assist your insurer with the claim.
For any items covered under your policy that are unrestorable, copies of receipts or purchase information may help to value them for settlement purposes. You should always check with your insurer or your insurer’s appointed Loss Adjuster or Claims Manager, who will provide any specific advice on what you need to do to make your claim run smoothly and to be completed as quickly as possible.
Excess payment
Please note that in some cases we may be required to collect your insurance policy excess on behalf of your insurer. We will notify you and discuss this with you at the start of your claims process with us, where needed.
Security advice
Unless you are specifically advised otherwise, please ensure that your property is secured with all windows and doors shut and locked. If you are going to be away from your property (e.g. staying in alternative accommodation) whilst works are being carried out, please discuss any specific access arrangements with your BELFOR Technician.
If you have any concerns about the security of your home, again, please discuss these with your BELFOR Technician.
Keep any valuables, cash, and sentimental items safe. We also recommend keeping any important and personal documents (e.g. Passports, Birth Certificates, Banking Details), as well as your insurance documentation with you.
How you can help
You can help us to complete your claim as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible by doing the following:
- Being available and or providing access to your property when needed (e.g. visits and appointments)
- Making us aware if you are going to be away or unavailable during the process
- Making parking available for our staff wherever possible
- Making space available or providing access for any skips/waste collection, materials, and deliveries wherever possible
- Keeping work areas clear and accessible
- Gathering any personal items or documentation that you may need
- Identifying any affected items of a personal, sensitive, or sentimental nature which require restoration, to your BELFOR Technician as soon as possible
- Unless otherwise advised, keeping any drying equipment switched on at all times. Please note that turning off equipment will delay the recovery process