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BELFOR UK’s commitment to sustainability

In a world where environmental consciousness is at an all-time high, businesses are being held to higher standards than ever before. Sustainability has become a primary focus for many organisations, as customers increasingly seek partners who share their green values.

Customers today are not just looking for products and services – they are seeking partnerships with companies that mirror their commitment to sustainability. The environmental impact of a business is now a pivotal factor in decision-making, as customers increasingly recognise the influence businesses hold in shaping a greener future.

It has never been more important for businesses to integrate sustainability into their core operations. This is why, at BELFOR UK, we are committed to limiting our impact on the planet.

We have been working closely with Neutral Carbon Zone (NCZ), to improve the management and measurement of our sustainability initiatives, as we strive to contribute to a healthier planet, while setting an industry benchmark for environmental responsibility.

Over the past 12 months, we have reduced emissions across a number of our activities, including company cars, employee commuting, waste disposal, water consumption, and fuel and energy-related activities.

We have also recently been awarded the Neutral Carbon Zone Silver Certification in recognition of the positive steps we have taken towards the management and measurement of sustainability throughout the organisation.

NCZ is a comprehensive, data-driven, carbon management and certification platform, enabling companies like BELFOR UK to achieve carbon neutrality across all phases of their sustainability program.

We have also just attained the ISO 14001 accreditation, further demonstrating our commitment to positive environmental management. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard that outlines the criteria for an effective environmental management system.

As we continue to move towards a greener future, we look forward to working with Neutral Carbon Zone and our valued partners and customers. If you want to find out more about our sustainable approach, get in touch today.