Online Damage Report Claims usually come as a surprise. What counts now is a quick response and taking the right measures. Report damage nowReport damage now Report a loss "*" indicates required fields Name (Company / Organistion)*Street*Number*City*Postal Code*Last Name*First Name*Mobile*Email* Location (of Incident)*Date (of Incident) MM slash DD slash YYYY Cause of Damage (fire, water, other)*Affected Property (building name)*Affected Floors (list floor numbers – Ground, 1st, 2nd, etc.)*Affected Machinery and Equipment*YesNoDescription of Incident (supply details)*ImageMax. file size: 5 MB.VideoMax. file size: 5 MB.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ
Do you have any questions? Share your request with us! Contact formContact form Contact form "*" indicates required fields Email* Salutation*MrMsMrsMdmFirst Name*Last Name*Company Name*Street*Number*City*Postal Code*Company URLPhoneMobileSubject – Please choose any one of the following:* Disaster Recovery Service Inquiries Decontamination Service Inquiries Precision Machine Service Inquiries RED ALERT Inquiries Other… Further CommentConsent processing of personal information. Personal information is kept strictly confidential an will be used only for this inquiry. For more details, please refer to our Data Protection.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ