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Expect the unexpected!

In today's climate of strange timesnew normals.....and now....virtual conferences, shouldn't we all expect the unexpected?  

Are you in need of some restoration of a different kind or looking for a break from a busy day at the conference? Then why not join us for a unique virtual magic show!

Professional, award winning magician Darren Delaney will provide a fully interactive show – the magic happens for you, even though he’s not physically there .......like magic!  Darren will amaze you with the kind of magic and mind-reading you usually only see on TV, live in your home office, dining room, living room.....wherever your 'new normal' is. 

Is it even possible to read someone mind through a video call when you are 100's or even 1000's of miles away?  Join one of our shows and find out for yourself!

In normal times, Darren Delaney amazes and entertains audiences at exclusive venues and events with his unique blend of close up magic, mind-reading and charming personality.  Take some time out and enjoy this unique virtual magic show from the comfort of your own home office. 

Places are limited on two daily shows. Be sure not to miss out.....don't delay, book your place today!


Registration AIRMIC Magician Event