BELFOR helped protect cremains by recovering damaged and degrading boxes after a fire at Walton’s Funerals & Cremations Center in Nevada.
A fire that started on the outside of the Walton’s Funerals & Cremations Center quickly moved into the eves of the building and the roof partially collapsed before fire departments from Sparks and Reno could extinguish the flames. The business has been part of the community for 44 years, but the building was deemed a “total loss” by the Sparks Fire Department.
Even though the fire did not reach any human remains, water damage from the firefighting efforts did create another problem. The cardboard boxes used to store cremains were rapidy degrading. It was a critical race against time to protect the cremains and re-catalog them before the identifying information on the degrading boxes was lost.
BELFOR Property Restoration and BELFOR Environmental were trusted with the restoration project. Of highest priority, BELFOR Environmental removed, re-boxed and cataloged all cremains from damaged areas before any were lost to water and fire damage.